Collection Machine

Collection Machine

Comprehensive and dynamic solution for collections management. It works in the cloud with a SAAS model, accessible 24/7 and with advanced security from AWS.

Intelligent and automated system offers a full suite of tools to improve collection strategies and optimize operational efficiency, while fostering stronger, more positive customer relationships.

Automated data management with real-time monitoring and control.
Increased Profitability, through Cost Reduction and Maximization of Recoveries.
Advanced analytics and machine learning with AI to optimize collection strategies.
Adaptability to different scenarios.

Value Added

Generates added value by optimizing collection processes, reducing operating costs, improving collection management efficiency, and strengthening customer relationships. It facilitates decision making based on advanced data analysis, personalizes the interaction with the debtor through strategies adapted to his profile, and improves credit recovery, contributing to sustainable business growth.


Collections Management Automation

Intelligent Debtor Segmentation to customize collection strategies.

Predictive Analytics and Data Analytics, Model Generation

Collection Campaign Management

Multichannel Interaction with Debtors

Integration with External Systems

Real-time monitoring

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