Suspicious Transaction Engine

Suspicious Transaction Detection Engine

Detect operations that are outside the cluster patterns.

Alerts on suspicious transactions.

Accurate calculation engines with an accuracy of close to 90%.

Customisable for your company's type of operations.

  • Software that uses mathematical algorithms to detect operations that are outside the patterns of the clusters to which the client belongs.
  • Manages WBS customers, internal company Black List.
  • Generates OLAP Cubes for the generation of MIS alerts on suspicious transactions, money laundering and terrorist financing.
  • The calculation engines are connected to the core systems via web services and process all calculations for the typing of the operations in a nightly batch mode.
  • The system generates MIS with the typification of the operations, generating warnings for those operations that present behaviours with standard deviations higher than normal.
  • It is fully customisable by the administrator, in order to create new rules and new acceptance limits, with respect to the normality of a transaction.

Suspicious Transaction Detection EngineClassic Version
This application uses mathematical algorithms to detect suspicious operations, money laundering, terrorist financing, PEP clients, and allows compliance with Law 20.393 regulations. It connects via web services or batch processes to the company's Core systems, generating Olap cubes that allow MIS to generate all the warnings that the compliance units parameterise.

Customisation hh hh
(Start up) [2] [3] [3]

Monthly blackboard price
(Unlimited use of licences and unlimited use of consultations) [1] [1].


USD 2.500,00


[1] Technical operation of the platform, backups and maintenance in Expert Choice environment.
[2] Maintenance and operations contract for one year.
[3] Development in Java language and ORACLE database.

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