Detect operations that are outside the cluster patterns.
Alerts on suspicious transactions.
Accurate calculation engines with an accuracy of close to 90%.
Customisable for your company's type of operations.
- Software that uses mathematical algorithms to detect operations that are outside the patterns of the clusters to which the client belongs.
- Manages WBS customers, internal company Black List.
- Generates OLAP Cubes for the generation of MIS alerts on suspicious transactions, money laundering and terrorist financing.
- The calculation engines are connected to the core systems via web services and process all calculations for the typing of the operations in a nightly batch mode.
- The system generates MIS with the typification of the operations, generating warnings for those operations that present behaviours with standard deviations higher than normal.
- It is fully customisable by the administrator, in order to create new rules and new acceptance limits, with respect to the normality of a transaction.
Customisation hh hh
(Start up) [2] [3] [3]
Monthly blackboard price
(Unlimited use of licences and unlimited use of consultations) [1] [1].
USD 2.500,00
[1] Technical operation of the platform, backups and maintenance in Expert Choice environment.
[2] Maintenance and operations contract for one year.
[3] Development in Java language and ORACLE database.